Paul Legan
Paul Legan

What I'm Doing Right Now

  • Reading more… and giving audibooks another chance.
  • Leaning heavily back into my front-end development days for some hobby projects.
  • Finally utilizing AI more consistently in my life for actual benefit (versus it just being cool).

What once was now, is then.

  • Learning how to make all my favorite cocktails (and saving a ton of money in the process).
  • Finally seeing (and enjoying) more work travel for the first time since pre-COVID.
  • Not loving the summer humidity that’s now in full force
  • Reading more about reading and how to read better by writing
  • Evolving to set aside time for unproductivity
  • Using new frameworks and languages to force myself to grow
  • Planning weekend getaways to embrace the chilly weather
  • Spending more time than I should finding nice color schemes
  • Honing in on the foods that make me most happy
  • Making Stiegl Radler cocktails inspired by Chaplin’s in DC
  • Learning more and more about Python
  • Enjoying an Aperol Spritz or two to welcome in Spring
  • Exploring Philadelphia’s ecclectic restaurant scene
  • Reading about value extraction
  • Enjoying mulled wine to combat the cold evenings
  • Learning about and trying to apply mental models to everyday life
  • Constantly hemming and hawing about buying a pizza oven
  • Reminiscing about DC as we finalize the sale of our house there
  • Holding onto and making ramen recipes despite 90° days
  • Trying out new happy hours all around Philadelphia

This page was last updated on Friday, July 12, 2024.