Hi, I'm Paul.
My name is Paul Legan. I’m the Chief Technology Officer at 3|SHARE and I create useful things with my partner at K&P Ventures. More about what I’m doing right now over here.
I’ve loved computers for a majority of my life, but my focus has always been on software. Aided by a magazine called PC Plus that came with a free copy of Borland Delphi 4, I built a small app called AudioGizmo Ringtone Creator in 2005.
To my surprise, AudioGizmo was downloaded over 300,000 times in its first two years of existence, with nearly 15,000 paying the $5.99 to get rid of the nag screen.1I’m still extremely surprised by these numbers and I appreciate all the support I received.
I officially got the bug.
Later on I graduated and started working in the technology industry, where I’ve generally stayed ever since. I like to read, I love to travel, and I like to eat.